Version Control [GIT]
Git is a version control system first developed by Linus Torvalds. It facilitates collaboration on large projects, keeps track of changes, and allows mistakes to be rolled back into a previous state. Configure Git Git uses a hierarchy of configuration files: System: (/etc/gitconfig) Configuration for all users in a system. Global: (~/.gitconfig) Configure Git for all project of the current user. Local: (.git/config) Configure Git for the current project. Worktree: (.git/config.worktree) Configure part of a project. # Check if user name and email are set. git config --get git config --get # If not, set those values. git config --add --global "username" git config --add --global "" git config --add --global init.defaultBranch main # GitHub's default git config --unset example.key # Remove a configuration value git config --unset-all example.key # Remove all instances of a configuration key git config --remove-section section # Remove an entire section # Rebase on pull by default to keep a linear history git config --global pull.rebase true Create a Repository Git stores all project information in the .git directory. This includes branches, commits, and metadata. ...